Post #4 - Trying a different approach to my Genius Hour research

Since my personal experiment with running with music didn't yield many useful results, I decided to take a different approach this week.

I used the Google Forms quiz skill that I learned in class last week to make a very quick survey about running and music, then shared it on my Facebook page, as I have lots of friends who are runners on there.

I wanted to make the survey as quick as possible in hopes that more people would then take the time to complete it.  I asked two questions, and then provided a space to write any thoughts if they like:

Do you find listening to music when you run boosts your performance?

Might you consider listening to music during some competitive runs as cheating?

(Optional space to share your thoughts) Would you like to elaborate on your thoughts in regard to music as a method of cheating in competitive races?  If so, feel free to add your thoughts here. Thank you again!

Here's the link to my survey:

Within just a few minutes the first response came in, which was very encouraging!  Being able to see the responses populate in real time was also pretty exciting to watch.

It's worth noting that perhaps I wouldn't have considered the second question (is music cheating) a few weeks ago, but since my research in found that the idea of music as method of cheating was a particularly divisive issue, and was widely debated online, I had to  wonder what my friends thought of it!

Up next I will begin to put together the results of my online research, personal research, and survey research into a final presentation format.

I'll update this post before midnight on Saturday, September 25th with the latest results from the survey.  

Feel free to check back in!

UPDATE:  In regard to my two survey questions, here's what I have so far:
